1 thought on “What are the differences between the macro research and strategy research of brokers”

  1. Personal opinion:

    The strategy attention is more from top to bottom, and the overall view of the market and the adjustment of the industry configuration. Industry research will cover the industry's individual stocks more comprehensive and in -depth, giving investment suggestions for individual stocks in the industry.

    I answering the questions in the question:

    1. How is the research and strategy research of the industry in the research department of the brokerage and fund company classified?
    The strategy is classified into a group alone, and each subdivided specific industry has specific groups.

    2, whether the research idea is from top to bottom, or from bottom to top. What are the applications of each?
    The research on strategy is basically from top to bottom, and rarely goes deep into individual stocks. From the perspective of professional division of labor, there is no need to get involved in individual stocks. There are both industry studies, which are both based on the theme of macroeconomic and policies, as well as research on the fundamental changes of individual stocks.

    3, what are the focus of industry research and strategy research? Where is the research, what is the purpose or end point of the research?
    The focus, it has been mentioned at the beginning. The purpose of strategy research is to give a overall view of the broader market, as well as adjustments between the configuration between different industries. For example, after the interest rate cut, strategies usually recommend to increase the periodic blue -chip sectors, such as construction, steel, etc., but which targets are recommended under these sectors will generally be given to researchers in the industry to conduct. For the fund, the general industry assets in the investment portfolio will be allocated (just the difference between the weight), so even if it is a light allocation industry, the recommendation of the industry researchers requires individual stocks.

    The example is not very appropriate: the school wants to choose three most top students to participate in the competition, strategic researchers are responsible for the three classes with the best results, and industry researchers in each class are responsible for picking out out Students with the most outstanding grades in the class.

    4. The initial point of the study was started by policies, current affairs, industry indicators, company finance, and industry competition pattern, or what other points of caused?

    This strategy is generally top -down, unless there are customers who need customized research on the segmented field. There are too many research methods. Everyone may have different frameworks and ideas, so I do n’t talk about them one by one.

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